The mission of Technical Education is to ensure all students are technically literate. Technical literacy is the ability to use, manage, understand and assess technology. Our Technical Education program includes the following instructional areas:
Technical Education?provides an opportunity for students to learn about the processes and knowledge that are needed to solve problems and extend human capabilities. Technical Education results in the application of mathematics and science concepts to technical systems in areas such as, but not limited to: construction, manufacturing, communications, transportation, biotechnology, and power and energy.
Engineering?is the application of science to the needs of humanity. This is accomplished through the application of knowledge, mathematics, and practical experience to the design of useful objects or processes.
Project Lead The Way Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Design (most students will take for tech credit, ideally in 9th grade)
Digital Electronics (10th grade)
Principles of Engineering (11th grade)
Carpentry & Construction Management
This four-course program not only provides students with necessary skills for a successful career in the carpentry trade, but also with skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment.
Successful completion of this program can result in a career right after graduation!

National Technical Honor Society
Students enrolled in business, carpentry, school to career, computer science, engineering with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to join the Honor Society.