The mission of Owings Mills High School ESOL Program
is to assist non-native speakers of English in acquiring sufficient language
proficiency and independent learning strategies to become successful
participants in high school and beyond.
The ESOL program will serve as a support system for the ELL until he/she
is able to achieve independent academic success. This education will be
provided in such a way that values each student’s home language and ensures
that each student maintains a sense of pride in his/her native culture.
The ESOL Program is committed to sustaining
instructional excellence through collaborative professional support, continuous
monitoring of ESOL Program curricula and student services, and integration of
appropriate educational technology into learning and instruction.

Department Members &
Their Courses Include:
Margarita Ugarte-Caffyn, ESOL Program Facilitator, [email protected] ESOL American Government
Rebecca Alvarado, ESOL Department Chair, [email protected] Academic Foundations,
Natalia Florez, Bilingual Paraprofessional, [email protected]
Kayla Franze, [email protected] Photo Journalism, EFL 2
Christine Gover, [email protected],
LTC, ESOL American Culture
Katie Kennedy, [email protected] ESOL American Government, ESOL Math/Algebra 1
Xueling Lu, [email protected]
Emily Martin, [email protected]
EFL 1, ESOL U.S. History
Shannon Mullaney, [email protected]
Newcomer, ESOL AVID 10
Shannon Olsen, [email protected]
ESOL English 9, ESOL English 11
Irida Ruci, [email protected]
Ismail Saed, [email protected]
Nancy Widney, [email protected],
ESOL English 10, Newcomer
Lydia Yoon, [email protected]
ESOL Career Strategies, ESOL Health, Academic Foundations