Business Management


Taught by Mr. Brandon Simons - [email protected]
                Ms. Alethea Watkins - [email protected] 

A student who completes this program pathway will be able to develop a business plan for a small business.  They will apply accounting, marketing, and management concepts to realistic business scenarios.  All aspects of managing a business will be discussed in addition to the competencies learned in computer applications, business communications and financial management.  The business management program of study recommends that students should have access to work study, mentorship, internship, and job shadow opportunities.  Students will also benefit from involvement in national professional organizations such as DECA and the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).  The student who completes this program will be prepared to work as a management trainee, manage a small business, and continue their education after graduation.

Course 1:  Principles of Business Administration and Management - 1 Credit
This is one of two foundation courses required for all pathways in the Business Management Career Cluster and is essential to all pathways. This course provides a foundational understanding of the role of business in a global society, American business as a dynamic process, forms of business ownership, management concepts, marketing, production and distribution, and accounting and finance.  Along with a brief historical perspective, business terminology and principles will be emphasized for business management, creativity, and entrepreneurship.  Students will learn to analyze the functions of business through evaluating, planning, organizing, and controlling.  Students will develop the communication skills that will be necessary for success in the workplace and college.  Students will be expected to think analytically; improve written and oral communication skills; enhance listening and questioning skills; learn and practice the art of conversation; improve public speaking skills; broaden their awareness of career options; practice using teamwork to make decisions and solve problems; and learn why people skills, communications skills, and networking skills can help them succeed in their careers.  Students will generate correspondence and communicate using Microsoft Word and related technologies.  Students will understand the business world and be more prepared to meet their career goals and objectives.

Course 2:  Principles of Accounting - 1 Credit
This is the second of two foundation courses required for all programs of study in the Business Management Career Cluster and is essential to all pathways.  This course provides students with the knowledge necessary to manage and maintain a company’s financial resources in daily operating decisions. A mastery of fundamental accounting concepts, skills and competencies is essential to making informed business decisions.  Students will learn to apply generally accepted accounting principles to determine the value of assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity as they apply to various forms of manual and computerized systems for service and merchandising business.  Students will apply appropriate accounting principles to payroll and tax liabilities. Students will use Microsoft Excel to apply the accounting knowledge and skills to analyze, evaluate, and understand the accounting principles. Students will identify positions and career paths in the field of accounting and will examine the role of ethics and social responsibility in decision making.



Course 2:  Marketing Essentials - 1 Credit
The Marketing Essentials course introduces the student to the essential concepts of marketing theory and the foundations, functions and benefits of marketing in a free enterprise system.  Throughout the course, students will use and incorporate technologies to conduct research and communicate.  In addition, students will investigate the various and ever-improving alternatives for electronic marketing that include, but are not limited to social media, digital marketing, E-commerce, and more. Students will integrate their knowledge of legal issues, the importance of ethics, and social responsibilities in marketing. Students will understand and demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and develop an appreciation of human diversity.  By the end of Marketing, students will have a solid understanding of the many diverse career opportunities in the field of marketing.

Course 3:  Advanced Business Management - 1 Credit
This course is designed to be the first of two sequential business management courses of the completer requirement for students enrolled in the Business Management pathway. This course provides students with the knowledge that will prepare them for post-high school levels of education and entry-level positions in the work force.  Focus will be on the role of business in society; the changing nature of contemporary business practices; major management concepts, theories, and theorists, the processes of management (functional, operational, human relations), business law and ethics, and business communications. Career pathways will be examined and the use of business management knowledge in a variety of career clusters is also explored. Awareness of ethical issues and application of ethical decision-making models will be reinforced throughout the course.  Students will understand the business world and be more prepared to meet their career goals and objectives.

Course 4:  Business Management Capstone - 1 Credit (optional)
This course is designed to be the second of two sequential business management courses of the completer requirement for students enrolled in the Business Management pathway.   Students will apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous business management courses to settings through the Business Management and Entrepreneurship Final Capstone Project. Students will participate in an end-of-course final project that will involve intense problem- solving in business management.